Psoriasis Specialist
Hill Country Dermatology
Dermatology & Aesthetic Services located in New Braunfels, TX & Schertz, TX
Psoriasis is a skin condition that can not only drive you to distraction with itchiness but make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your skin. Our providers at Hill Country Dermatology in New Braunfels, and Schertz, can help reduce the itching and improve the appearance of your skin using the latest cutting-edge therapies like biologics and excimer lightbox therapy. Call the office nearest you or book an appointment online today to find out more.
Psoriasis Q & A
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which your body produces new skin cells at a far more rapid rate than normal. Rather than taking weeks to make new skin cells, your body produces them in days.
As a result, the excess cells start to build up on the surface of your skin, causing thick, scaly patches to appear. These patches are called plaques, and plaque psoriasis is the most common form of the disease. You might notice other symptoms, too, like a stinging or burning sensation on your skin. Your skin might also feel painful or tight.
There are other forms of psoriasis, and all of them are lifelong conditions apart from a childhood form called guttate psoriasis.
Where do psoriasis plaques appear?
Psoriasis plaques can show up anywhere on your skin. However, you’re most likely to get plaques on your:
- Knees
- Elbows
- Lower back
- Scalp
Plaques come in various sizes. They can form single small patches or come together to make one large mass. Plaques are almost always very itchy. If you don’t get treatment for your psoriasis, the itch can become unbearable.
What causes psoriasis?
It’s not known for sure what causes psoriasis. It is known that it tends to run in families, so it’s likely there’s a genetic link.
Research also indicates that psoriasis is likely to be related to a problem with your immune system, which can also cause problems like eczema.
How is psoriasis treated?
You can do a lot to help yourself when you have psoriasis. For instance, it’s common to have triggers that make your condition worse, like stress. Avoiding triggers like these can help you manage your psoriasis more successfully.
Other common treatments for psoriasis include:
Topical treatments
Topical ointments, such as corticosteroids and retinoids, can help reduce inflammation and redness. The team may prescribe creams, lotions, sprays, or shampoos, depending on the location and severity of your condition.
Oral medications
If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, oral steroids, retinoids, or immunosuppressants may help relieve your symptoms. Most oral medications are short-term treatments and not meant for regular use.
Lifestyle changes
Along with pinpointing your triggers, like stress, you should minimize alcohol consumption, use moisturizer, and maintain a healthy diet to reduce your flare-ups.
To find out more about treatments for psoriasis, call Hill Country Dermatology or book an appointment online today.
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